“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.” -Vincent Van Gogh Merriam-Webster dictionary describes the butterfly effect as a property of chaotic systems by which small [...]
Have you ever noticed when you tell someone a story from your life, they often share a story about their life with you? There are many benefits to sharing our stories (good or bad) with our [...]
Join Shades of Blue in bringing awareness to Black Maternal Mental Health. You can see a list of their upcoming events here: https://www.shadesofblueproject.org/upcoming-events You can order a [...]
Can you believe that December will be here tomorrow? It will also be, #GivingTuesday! Wrapping up our feature series on our grantees, please meet: National Black Midwives Alliance (NBMA), a FAM [...]
Two days to go, til’ #GivingTuesday! Getting excited? We certainly are. Our goal was to post daily for the 9 days leading up to #GivingTuesday, each day highlighting the work of each of our [...]
Hey there, we hope you’re enjoying our feature series, where we’ve been highlighting the work of all 9 of our grantees leading up to #GivingTuesday on December 1st.Next up, with 3 days away from [...]