Project: Progressing the Push Nation

The Big Push for Midwives Campaign

The Big Push for Midwives Campaign is advancing its public education and public policy project, “Progressing the PushNation,” which will result in an effective and efficient unification to improve, move along, and otherwise assist the grassroots network of advocates that includes midwives groups, consumer groups, and state and regional coalitions of those groups through a comprehensive and unified online advocacy platform. The brand platform and its rich content and resources will enable participating PushStates of the “PushNation” to garner more attention on online media platforms, and to gain more access to information, and to the leveraging power of partnering creatively with strategic alliances and key players in the sector to improve the state of midwifery practice both nationally and in every state and territory. FAM’s support is requested in the next phase of this strategy, which is part of the ongoing work of the Big Push for Midwives Campaign.
