Project: Supporting the Participation of Women in Two New Surveys: Listening to Home Birth Mothers and Listening to Mothers of Color

Home Birth Summit, Consumer Engagement & Research and Data Task Forces

In the Listening to Mothers III study, women who delivered in hospitals reported feeling discriminated against when they declined interventions and/or as a result of their race or ethnicity. Members of the HBS Research and Data and Consumer Engagement Task Forces have proposed a Listening to Mothers of Colors study. This study will assess how planned place of birth, race and ethnicity interact with women’s maternity care experience and preferences. Building on community consultations and input from Summit delegates, we have adapted questions from the well-known LTM III study for women of colors (Non-Hispanic Black, Hispanic, and Native). We are asking FAM to support the participation of consumers through community-based focus groups so that ordinarily marginalized women can provide expert input into the relevance, clarity and content of the proposed survey, and to tell their own stories in their own way.
