On April 8, 2020, the Big Push for Midwives Campaign launched the Where’s My Midwife? community mapping tool to help connect midwives trained in out-of-hospital birth with people whose [...]
FAM is proud to announce the initial funding for a new Elephant Circle initiative: Defense of Midwives. This project will increase capacity among underrepresented attorneys to bring cases for [...]
In response to what Indigenous families need right now, Indigenous Women Rising is launching and piloting a donation based midwifery fund. The fund will focus on: Supporting access to home births [...]
The Birth Center Equity Fund was created to make birth center care an option for every person who wants it, by growing and sustaining birth centers led by Black, Indigenous, and other people of [...]
FAM provided additional funds for midwives to the COVID-19 Birth Worker Relief Fund which was initiated by the generous support of Tara Health Foundation. The purpose of this project is to [...]